Red cabbage or hood is a plant of the Brassicaceae family, the name Brassica Oleracea, cultivar capitata f. steal. The red color is due to the presence of anthocyanins, water-soluble substances which belong to the group of flavonoids. It is important to note that the color varies according to the pH of the soil. Known since Roman times and originally from the Mediterranean area, it is a biennial herbaceous plant, with a very resistant taproot, which is sown in spring and harvested in autumn, it needs humidity to grow and develop. The shoots have a young violet twig, with heart-shaped leaflets of an intense green color at the ends.
Red Russian Kale is a vegetable that contains fiber, vitamins, iron and potassium, whose beneficial properties were also known by the father of medicine Hippocrates who used it to treat colic and dysentery. Red cabbage sprouts have only recently entered the kitchen and are used to prepare salads and vegan dishes.
Nutritional elements
Red Russian Kale sprouts have the same nutrients as the vegetable but in more concentrated quantities.
Sprouts are an excellent source of:
- retinol
- Vitamin B, C and E
- mineral salts (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sulphur, manganese and zinc)
- fibers
- proteins
- simple carbohydrates
- lipids
Red russian kale sprouts allow you to eat all parts of the vegetable, root, stem and leaves. They taste similar to the grown plant and can be eaten raw and cooked. Very versatile, they are easy to use in the kitchen, where they can be combined with other foods and prepare different recipes. They are ideal for enriching salads, as a side dish, they can give crunch to saffron pasta or rice dishes and go perfectly with delicate cheeses. Furthermore, they can be steamed and eaten seasoned with oil and pepper or alternatively used to create tasty creams or smoothies. It is important to note that cooked sprouts lose their vitamin C content.
In order to germinate correctly, the red cabbage seeds must be placed in a well-lit place and be watered several times a day. To preserve them, it is best to keep them in the fridge and consume them within a few days. As for the seeds, once the quantity required to be used has been taken, it is advisable to close the package well and place it in a glass container to prevent them from getting air.