Lactuca sativa
A mixture of cutting lettuce that can be broadcast sown. Very productive.
10% Lattuga Verde degli ortolani
30% Lattuga Bionda a foglia riccia
30% Lattuga Meraviglia delle 4 stagioni
20% Lattuga Regina dei ghiacci
10% Lattuga Estiva di Kagran 2
These organic seeds are controlled and certified by ICEA
Envelope size: 11,5x16 cm
Cultural notes:
Direct sowing period: from march to october
Seeds in g/100 m2: 50 gr
Depth for sowing (cm): 0,5 cm
Distance between lines: 25/50 cm
Distance in lines: 20/35 cm
Production times: 40 days
Nr of seeds: 2700 about
Grams: 5