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      With a strong and somewhat pungent flavour, Radish Red Rubin sprouts are known for their firm and crunchy consistency which makes them suitable for inclusion in dishes with strong flavours. Source of vitamin C and mineral salts, following sowing, they undergo rapid growth lasting from 5 to 7 days. Furthermore, once it is developing, pinkish-white contours. At the top, then, they have small heart-shaped leaves.

      Nutritional elements

      Radish Red Rubin sprouts contain:

      • Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 and C
      • Minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and phosphorus
      • Fibers

      Among the main components, in any case, glucosinolates stand out, i.e. the precursors of isothiocyanates, which are responsible for the spicy flavor and pungent smell of radishes. 

      Radish Red Rubin sprouts: the uses in the kitchen

      The typical taste of radish red rubin sprouts is pungent. The body, however, has a white-purple color and is crunchy and firm with the presence of small decorative leaves. Specifically, it is an ingredient that combines perfectly with strong flavors: therefore, it is possible to find them in dishes based on legumes and salads. Furthermore, they can also form the basis for the preparation of tasty sauces to spread on bruschetta.


      Radish seeds are brown, small and striped. Once sprouting has started, you need to soak them for at least ten hours and then drain them and place them in the refrigerator, remembering to change the water daily. Once development is complete, they will take on a white-pink color with a pair of heart-shaped leaves (sometimes used to decorate dishes). They must be consumed within 4 days, always keeping them at the temperature of the refrigerator. In order to vary your diet, you could then think of cooking the leaves following the same methods used for spinach and placing them at the base of soups and omelettes. They are also excellent when combined with potatoes or vegetables such as aubergines or peppers. Regarding cultivation, growing your own sprouts and cultivating them could be useful for obtaining organic and healthy products.

      Customer Reviews

      Based on 2 reviews

      Ho già fatto germogliare i semi acquistati e sono ottimi.

      Toni Green

      Squisiti i terzi dei magnifici quattro