Tagetes tenuifolia minuta
Tagete seeds are among the flowering seeds that can be enjoyed within a few days of germination.
Microgreens have light pink stems and broad, segmented leaves with earthy, minty flavors.
They require little maintenance and can be quickly grown in the kitchen and cut fresh as a garnish in any savory dish.
Microgreens grow quickly and practically before your eyes, so taste early and often to reap maximum flavor!
Its essential oil, composed of approximately 13% limonene, approximately 12% piperitenone and approximately 11% α-terpinolene, is in fact used in the perfume industry, while in the past it was appreciated for the creation of infusions against respiratory and digestive problems. The leaves, however, once dried, are a much appreciated spice in Peru.
Cultural Notes:
- Nr. of seeds per gram: 300
- Soaking: no
- Blackout: 3-4 days
- Germination times: 3-4 days
- Estimated collection time: 8-14 days