The 5 Easiest Sprouts to Grow
If you have been following our blog, you must already be aware that sprouts are one of the healthiest sources of nutrients out there. But certain sprouts are easier to grow and carry more benefits than the others. What are they? Keep reading to find out.
After years of research, our experts have figured out that there are five sprouts that are better than all the rest. Coincidentally, these sprouts do not just carry more benefits than others, but they are relatively easier to grow than them as well.
So, without further ado, let’s find out what those five sprouts are and what are their exclusive benefits.
Alfalfa Sprouts

In the case of Alfalfa, its nutritional content is so high that this has made it one of the most consumed sprouts. We wanted to collect and contrast all the information related to the nutritional composition of alfalfa since one of the problems with the so-called “superfoods” is that their benefits are magnified to the point of making them superheroes of the plant world. After quite a bit of research from various sources, including university papers, we bring to you the benefits that are supported (or at least is being studied) by science:
Control cholesterol
The first study that related alfalfa consumption to cholesterol decrease was in 2003, at the Indiana Clinical University. From here, a series of studies have been carried out that show the correlation between alfalfa and cholesterol decrease and point to alfalfa as a possible natural treatment.
Vitamins and essential minerals
Alfalfa’s nutritional content, like many sprouts, is high. Among them, we can highlight the presence of vitamin K, D, C, Biotin and folic acid.
Fight anemia
Alfalfa has a high iron content, but also, its sprouts contain a high concentration of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll has a molecular structure very similar to hemoglobin and this helps the regeneration of red blood cells. Together they make up the perfect pack to help fight anemia.
Help with weight loss regimes
Its high fiber content helps you feel satiated, has a very low caloric intake, and facilitates digestion.
It also contains niacin, which helps metabolize fats, which means it converts them into energy! One more reason to add alfalfa sprouts to the lunch sandwich.
Hormonal balance
Alfalfa can act similarly to estrogen, which can help correct a deficiency in this hormone, as in cases of menopause. For this same reason, it is not recommended for use during pregnancy or if you use hormonal contraceptives, as it may reduce effectiveness.
Radish Sprouts

Because of its glucosinolate content that helps raise bile production and empty the gallbladder, it is a perfect ally of the liver and gallbladder, and for its hepato-biliary properties, it is a valuable help when the liver is congested.
Help in Weight Loss
It is a vegetable rich in fiber, so it helps the digestive system, the intestinal tract and maintains satiety after consuming it, as well as the amount of water it has is a food with little caloric intake.
Diuretic Properties
It is very famous for its diuretic properties, since it promotes the elimination of sandstones and stones from the kidneys and gallbladder, contributing to purify our body, preventing the appearance of cellulite.
Excellent Antioxidant
Because of its antioxidant content, Radish sprout prevents aging and is an ally in the production of red blood cells, thus boosting the immune system.
Kale Sprouts

Very rich in calciumThe nutritional properties of Kale sprouts are the most complete that can be found in a vegetable. Hence, its use is highly recommended in all types of diets.
In fact, its content in this mineral is greater than that of cow’s milk, since it has 135 mg per 100 grams, and milk has 120.
And best of all, the amount of oxalic acid it contains is very low, so calcium absorption is almost total. This makes it an excellent ally to prevent the dreaded osteoporosis. In addition, it helps the metabolism to be in optimal conditions.
High iron content
In this case, it has a greater amount of iron than the so-called red meats, that is, those that are beef. This mineral is essential for health since it is involved in the formation of enzymes, hemoglobin, cell growth, oxygen movement and for the liver to function properly. In addition, it is a great ally against tiredness and anemia.
Sunflower Sprouts
Sunflower sprouts are rich in:
- Phosphorus and calcium: These contribute to the maintenance of bones and teeth, the digestion of fats and carbohydrates, muscle and tissue tone, and the nervous system.
- Iron: Keeps our blood healthy.
- Copper: Necessary in minimum quantities so that we can use iron.
- Iodine: Found mostly in marine vegetables (algae).
- Potassium: predominant in brain tissue and necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system.
- Magnesium: Vital for the lungs and muscle tissue.
Clover Sprouts

Like all sprouts, they are a concentrated source of nutrients, which can help you consume essential nutrients. Clover sprouts provide protein, fiber, calcium, iron and vitamin C.
Low in calories
Clover sprouts add crunch and flavor to your meals without overloading the calorie level. When serving 100 grams of sprouted clover, only 23 calories are being added.
Fiber source
As for the fiber contained in the sprouts of clover, it is found in values similar to those of the proteins contained, since in 100 grams of sprouts there are 2 grams of fiber, which cover 8 percent of the daily total needed.
The fiber contained in clover can help control your weight, as it slows digestion, keeping you feeling full longer. Also, including more sources of fiber in your diet decreases the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Rich in vitamins
As we mentioned earlier, sprouts contain a high concentration of vital nutrients including vitamins. Clover sprouts contain vitamins A, B, C and K. A 100 grams serving of sprouts contains 14 percent of the daily needs for vitamin C and 38 percent for vitamin K.
Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that protects your body’s cells from oxidation, thus decreasing the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
As for vitamin K, it is necessary for proper blood clotting.
Rich in minerals
Clover sprouts, although they contain many minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, and magnesium, are not a significant source of any of them. A 100 grams serving of sprouts they contain 5 percent of daily iron needs.